Dec 8, 2020
We all know we need water to survive, but have you ever considered why it is so special?
Now that Summer is here in the southern hemisphere, it is getting a lot warmer and temperatures like 40℃ are not unusual. With warm weather, we head outside for festivities and fun and thus this is the time of year we start seeing dehydration as a common problem.
There is a misconception that drinking fluids is equal to drinking water.
In the clinic, we can see in blood analysis whether someone is dehydrated or not because we can see the red cells bunched up together. When this happens this depletes the amount of oxygen going to other body cells. This is detrimental not just for the cell itself, but for the body as a whole because without oxygen the cell loses its ability to produce aerobic energy (energy that requires oxygen). The cell can still produce anaerobic energy (energy not requiring oxygen).
This leads to other complications. For example the apoptotic properties of the cell disappears. Apoptosis is the process a cell goes through when it chooses to die because it is damaged or malfunctioning is some way. This process is important because it happens in a way that the body can process and remove the cell components without damage to the body. Without apoptosis, damaged cells continue living and abnormal cells tend to take over.
Going back to basics, without real hydration you will get more tired, lethargic and will even have trouble thinking and concentrating.
One major benefit of water is that it has an effect for flushing toxins. When you wake up in the morning it is a beneficial habit to drink 1Lt of water within 30 to 60 minutes of waking to flush the toxins from your system. Adding lemon juice to your morning water will help this detoxing process.
There is another type of ‘morning flush’ that is also beneficial in moderation, called the salt water flush. To do this, put 2 teaspoon of celtic or himilayan salt in 1 Lt of warm water and drink it within 20 to 30 minutes for a purging effect on your bowels. Of course, if you are doing this on a constant basis you may end up irritating the gut lining and having an inflamed bowel, because you are flushing the bowel too often. So be mindful and pay attention to how your body feels.
As a guideline however, 1 Lt of filtered, room temperature water (not cold), consumed within half an hour of waking, on a daily basis is a phenomenal way of cleansing your whole body, not just your gut.
What counts as fluids for hydration purposes?
When we talk about fluids and hydration, I often get asked why caffeine containing tea and coffee do not count as fluids for hydration. To survive we need to have a certain volume of fluid circulating in our vessels. It is true that any drink will add to this volume, however the action of each fluid is completely different. For example, if we are talking about caffeinated tea, this is going to flush more water out of your system because of its diuretic effect. So for every cup of tea you drink, you need to replenish the water in your body with 1 extra glass. Coffee is also very dehydrating and requires the same consideration.
Not every fluid has the same hydrating ability of water and this is why we need to concentrate on having a minimum amount of water every day to ensure the body can complete certain functions.
One of these functions is filling the extracellular space (space outside of the cells) so it is a fluid consistency and allows nutrients to go into cells as well as toxins to be removed from cells.
It is also important to know that it is the fluid balance that will allow you to have the ability to control processes like being ‘rigid minded’ or not.
Let me explain how this works...
There is a connection here with a mineral in your body called salt.
When salt is used in minuscule molecules in the form of homeopathics (tissue salts), this will have a water gate ability in the body and will help control the water in and out of the cell.
This is important because if you have enough hydration but you have an inability to flush the extra fluid, you are going to start swelling as the fluid accumulates in the cells. On the other hand if the fluid cannot get into the cells then this is going to cause dryness throughout your body, leading to rigidity in every aspect of our body, including our mindset and joints as well as dry eyes, skin, gut (constipation) and mucous membranes.
There is a whole connection with hydration and water and how water is utilised by cells and body and thus the outcomes.
An example of how hydration can affect us mentally...
A few years ago I visited a patient in hospital, who was about 90 years old. He was assumed to be pre-dementia because of his foggy brain and his kidneys were not functioning properly. It became apparent that his kidneys were not functioning due to the lack of water he was consuming. He was having 3 cups of tea per day and nothing else. It was amazing to watch this patient who could not remember who he was, where he was or what day it was, that within 24 hours of having IV hydration, he could start talking normally and remembering things. This shows you just how important it is to drink enough water.
How much water is enough?
This depends on your size, your activity level and where you live but generally, 1.5Lt to 2Lt per day is adequate. In a 40℃ and working outdoors you will need about 4 to 5 Lt per day because you are going to be perspiring more. In circumstances like this you also need to remember to replace minerals at the same time.
Can you drink too much water?
Yes! We often think that water is a completely safe substance, but it is true that if you have too much water that in extreme cases this can lead to death! Everything has to be in balance as to what you are doing and what your body requires.
Dehydration is so common that sometimes in the clinic it can take multiple attempts to get one drop of blood from a finger prick due to dehydration.
The quality and frequency of water consumption make a difference in your body’s ability to absorb and utilise the water you consume. As you know, activity flushes fluid from your body but did you know that air conditioning can also dehydrate you without you being aware of the thirst your body is feeling?
The moral of the story is, don't wait until you are thirsty before drinking! By the time you are thirsty your body is already suffering the effects (and potential damage) of dehydration. It is also better to consume small amounts of water, regularly for maximum absorption.
If you have questions or need support reach out to me at